Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Reuben the Pink Fluffy Unicorn Dancing on a Rainbow


(Edit: welcome visitors from the crochet pattern central, greatamigurumi blog and ravelry! (: And everywhere else, of course (: )

I'm horrified to note that, while I have made up a lot of the stuff that I knit, there is only ONE (measly) pattern on this blog. Therefore, I present to you Reuben the pink fluffy unicorn dancing on a rainbow. Netizens may recognise this theme from this video:

Yes. The strange asian guy with a big mouth and triangular eyebrows. (Somebody make a muppet of this guy already!)

To cut a long story short, due to a fortunate (or for some, unfortunate) string of events, pink unicorns became a 'thing' of a friend of mine. It soon became obvious that I had to make him a pink unicorn with an accompanying rainbow. And naturally, it had to be an amigurumi unicorn. With articulated legs. And prancing action.

Take a moment to admire his flowing mane.

Ta dah! Meet Reuben (: Reuben was crafted from the finest (read: cheapest) acrylic Boyes could offer. Boye's own brand acrylic is actually not too bad quality, and I quite like it for the bright colours. It was also fairly nice to work with, and in my opinion quite good for toy-crafting. Here are a few more pictures.

Let's pretend that my sheets are a fantastical world of clouds instead of a messy student's room...
Let us also pretend that this doesn't really, really look like a toy telephone instead of a rainbow...

Aww, look at how he hugs his rainbow buddy! I was really very pleased with this outcome. (Apart from the yellow, because the brighter version was out of stock.) Unfortunately, our gum-coloured friend has one slightly unfortunate feature:

I dub thee, CreepyNose. 
Hmmmm. Too late to do anything about that I suppose. It's kinda like Professor Quirrel and Voldemort, if Voldemort was a large nose. Still, he was greatly appreciated so I was happy.

So if you're feeling brave and don't mind the Nose, try out the pattern for yourself! It's written in US terms (since that's how I learned it, so apologies to UK friends). Also further apologies if the pattern is not written very well, I recorded it as I made it, so it's written in my own crochet shorthand. I've tried to clarify it where it may be vague, but do write with questions (charmeng89 AT gmail DOT com) AND leave a comment (so it will be helpful to others who may have the same question) if you find any mistakes or want to check an instruction.

You don't need to be a super crocheter to complete this, however more intermediate crocheters may be more comfortable than beginners. Crochet skills involved: magic loop, single crochet (US), increasing and decreasing. The sewing is a bit trickier and may be a little fiddly with the small bits, so remember to leave long yarn tails to make sewing easier.

You will need:
DK yarn in pink (100g), white (50g), and oddments of red, green, yellow, blue and black.
Crochet hook (3mm)
Tapestry needle
4 small white buttons (I didn't measure them but they were probably half-inch in diameter, refer to photo)
An amount of polyester toy stuffing (You will find the unicorn structure is fairly stiff, so I recommend stuffing fairly tightly)
A length of dental floss or waxed thread for jointing (link to tutorial included below)
A dollmaking needle (i.e. a super long needle) is useful but you could also do it with a regular needle (and lots of patience)

Here is a printable PDF version, and the link on Ravelry.

Use 3mm hook and DK yarn (gauge is not essential, but you might want to go up a hook size if you are a tight crocheter, as this pattern is already fairly tight.)

I don't have the measurements for his final size (sorry!) but the photographs at the end of this post will give you an idea.

Note: number indicates no. of stitches in that row

Body (in pink) (work in a spiral, increase evenly around by repeating the bits in brackets)
1. 8st magic ring
2. 16 (2sc in each st)
3. 24 (1sc, 2sc into every 2nd st)
4. 32 (2sc, 2sc into every 3rd st)
5. 36 (3sc, 2sc into every 4th st)
6. 40 st plain
7. continue plain for 22 more rows
end rows: decrease (steps 1-5 in reverse)
Stuff the body before you complete the last few rows. Draw the yarn end through the last few stitches and cinch it shut.

Legs (start with white)
1. 8st magic ring
2. 16 (2sc in each st)
3. 20 (3sc, 2sc in every 4th st)
4. change to pink for 15 rows, sl st in last st of last row
5. turn, ch 1, sc2tog, 6 sc, sc2tog
6. turn, ch 1, sc2tog, 4sc, sc2tog
7. turn, ch 1, sc2tog, 2sc, sc2tog
8. turn, ch 1, sc2tog twice

Leg 'caps' in pink (increase/ decrease on both ends of each row)
1. ch 2, turn, 2 sc
2. 4 (2sc in first and last st)
3. 6
4. continue plain for 4 rows
5. 4 (sc2tog at both ends)
6. 2

Stuff the legs and sew the caps on the open bit of the leg (match the pointy bits!)

Nose/ head (for this part, you stagger the increases so they are not too visible)
6st magic ring
Start with white.
12 (2sc in each st)
16 (1sc, 2sc in 2nd st, 1sc)
20 (3sc, 2sc in 4th st)
24 (2 sc, 2sc in 3rd st, 2sc)
28 (5sc, 2sc in 6th st)
32 (3sc, 2 sc in 4th st, 3sc)
36 (7sc, 2sc in 8th st)
40 (4sc, 2sc in 5th st, 4sc)
44 (9sc, 2sc in 10th st)
2 rows plain
change to pink, 2 rows plain
[dec 4st per row evenly around row, 2 rows plain], repeat [ ] until 24 st left
dec to 18
dec to 12
dec to 6

Stuff the head before completing the last rows, then draw the yarn through the last few stitches with a needle to cinch it shut.

Neck tube (in pink)
ch 2 (bottom of neck)
turn, sc 2 (incr on both ends of each row)
turn, sc 4
turn, sc 6
turn, sc 8
ch 27, join to other end of row to form a loop.
sc for 8 rows, with the last st of the 8th row a sl st instead of sc.
turn, ch 1, sc2tog, sc 16, sc2tog
turn, ch 1, sc2tog, sc 14, sc2tog...
Continue in this manner till
turn, ch 1, sc2tog, sc 6, sc2tog. Bind off. (top of neck)

Ears (make 2 in pink)
ch 2
turn, sc 2
turn, sc 4
turn, ch 1, 2sc, sc2tog, 2sc
turn, ch 1, 2sc, sc2tog twice
turn, ch 1, sc2tog, sc
turn, ch 1, sc2tog
Bind off, leaving long tail. Weave the tail through the edge (doesn't matter which) of the ear to emerge at the bottom, then pinch the base of the ear to form a crease and sew to the head.

Horn (in white)
ch 10, join to make a circle
sc 10
sc 10
sc2tog, sc 8
sc 9
sc 1, sc2tog, sc 6
sc 8
sc 2, sc2tog, sc4
sc 7
sc 3 sc2tog, sc 2
sc2tog 3 times, bind off.

Poke a little stuffing into the horn with a pencil/ chopstick.

Embroider a jolly face on the unicorn and sew his ears and horn on in the appropriate place. Sew the head to the top of the neck tube, matching the pointy bit to the tip of the head. Stuff the neck tube then sew to the body, matching the pointy end to the 'point' on the body. (The head will not necessarily face to the front. That is okay.)

Thread joint the legs to the body and use buttons if you like. (The linked tutorial includes both thread and button jointing techniques.)

Finally cut even lengths of white yarn and knot* to his neck and bum to make a mane and tail. The length is up to you!

*Fold the piece of yarn in half, partly draw bight through the neck along where you want the mane to be, and then pull the two ends through the bight to secure.

-Skip the buttons and sew the legs firmly onto the body instead of threadjointing. Threadjointing is not as secure as safety joints, but it is easier to repair.
-Use proper knots to do the mane and tail so the yarn cannot be easily picked out.

Cloud (make 2)
First half: 
6 sc into magic loop
12 (increase evenly for this row and next row)
2sc, sc 3, 2sc, 2 sc, sc 3, 2 sc, sc 3, 2 sc, 2 sc, sc 3. (24st)
sc 3, 2sc, sc 2, 2 sc, 2 sc, sc 2, 2sc, sc 4, 2 sc, sc 2, 2sc, 2sc, sc 2, 2 sc, sc 1 (32 st)
sc 6, 2sc, sc 2, 2sc, sc 12, 2sc, sc 2, 2sc, sc 6 (36st)
incr evenly 42 st (every 7 st)
48 st (every 8 st)
54 st (increase in the following manner, sc  4, [2sc, sc 9] repeat till last 5 st, 2sc, sc 4
60 st (every 10 st)
end of first half
sc 4 rows plain
Decrease (reverse order of first half)

Stuff and then leave a long tail. sew tightly around the edges with 6 large stitches to cinch them into a cloud shape.

ch 20 st (I can't remember if I used more than this, you may want to adjust it if it is too long or short)
crochet plain:
2 rows blue
2 rows green
2 rows yellow
4 rows red
2 rows yellow
2 rows green
2 rows blue.
Sew the blue ends together to make a tube and stuff like a cannelloni.

Whipstitch flat side of clouds to either side of the rainbow sausage. Squidge it all together to make a U shape and sew the clouds securely where they touch so it all stays put.


Nat enjoying his present (: 
Messing around. 

Reuben and his other friend, Steve the Urinal Cake Dragon. Don't ask. I... have strange friends.

This pattern is not to be used for commercial purposes. Copies can be made and shared freely as long as the source/ author is acknowledged. You may not sell the finished product unless it is for charity. The product must be labelled accordingly with pattern source.


Claire said...

Thank you so very much!! what an absolutely gorgeous unicorn - i LOVE him and can't wait to give him a go :) Thank you for your generosity in sharing this lovely pattern!

Charmaine said...

Thanks Claire! I hope the pattern reads well... this is my first time writing a crochet pattern, so hopefully I translated the 'how to' in my head successfully! But most of all, I hope you enjoy making him (:

Anna said...

This is adorable! I need a reason to make a set, or two...

Thanks so much for sharring!

Charmaine said...

Thanks Anna! Does one really need a reason to make a pink unicorn? ;)

If you do make one, I'd love to see photos! (:

Charmaine said...

Hi Brenda! You're very welcome (: I'm so glad your daughter loves her Reuben! Do you have a picture of him?

Unknown said...

So I love this pattern...the only thing is I had a bit of trouble with the head and did a bit of editing. Mine is green, and named Mr. Cloven, and I love him to death! Thank you so much!

Charmaine said...

Hi Karleigh, you're welcome and thanks for your feedback! Where did you have trouble with the head? Piggy sends Mr Cloven a nosebump, he's very excited about the growing herd of unicorns! (:

Unknown said...

It was during the increases, but I believe it was the yarn I used. I made another for a friend and it worked just dandy :) Thanks so much SCSI!

Unknown said...

hi! i was wondering about the part about the legs of reuben. the part about changing the yarn to pink for 15 rows, what do you mean by that? and also about doing 2 sc together?

Unknown said...
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Luci89chan said...

Thanks so much for this, Reuben is just amazing! I've already started making one for my niece :P I have a bit of a trouble with the neck part though, what do you mean by (incr on both ends of each row)? I'm finding hard to understand how the neck goes... Sorry but I'm fairly new to crocheting and I'm spanish also, I try to do my best to translate the patterns xD

Charmaine said...

@ Caitlin:

It means that you crochet 15 rows plain, in pink (:

For the doing 2sc together, which bit of the instructions were you referring to?

@ Luci:

You're welcome! (: What that means is you increase at the beginning and end of each row.

No worries, and hope you enjoy making Reuben without too much frustration!

Jasminet25 said...

Im in the midst of making this and im a little confused with the decreses for the nose/head. I dont quite understand how many sts to do before a decrease and for how long. With the way im doing it, this head is going to be huge!! Lol

taylerjae said...

I'm a little confused about what this means.
Leg 'caps' in pink (increase/ decrease on both ends of each row)
1. ch 2, turn, 2 sc
2. 4 (2sc in first and last st)
3. 6
4. continue plain for 4 rows
5. 4 (sc2tog at both ends)
6. 2

I am stuck at #2. I'm not sure what stitches you're referring to.

Charmaine said...

Hi taylerjae!

What that means is you increase in the first and the last stitch of that row. So from 2 st you get 4 st, and then 6 st, always increasing at the first and last stitch.

Hope that helps!

Duchess Gala Belmanoir said...

Hi Charmaine, i plan to blog about your pattern since I made a unicorn out of it. Is it okay if I repost your pattern with some adjustments I made? Of course with your recognition as the original author and with link directing to your blog. Thank you. ^^

Hannah Im said...

Thank you so much for sharing your pattern. I used it to make horse for my cousin. Here are some pics:

bree said...

Hi karleigh! I really love this unicorn pattern! Its adorable but im having a bit of trouble with the neck part where you said "sc for 8 rows, with the last st of the 8th row a sl st instead of sc." Where do i do the 8 rows of sc?


Charmaine said...

@Duchess: Sorry to get back to you so late. I haven't been checking back as often lately. Yes, go ahead and share (: I'm interested to see how you have made your own modifications!

@Hannah: you're welcome and thanks for the link! (: I hope your cousin enjoyed it (:

Charmaine said...

@Bree: so once you've done the little 'upside down triangle' of sts for the neck, you make a loop of ch st that starts and ends at either end of the last row of the 'triangle' that you just did, right? The sc 8 rows is just continuing in a tube starting on this loop of ch st.

bree said...

Okay so do i have to go around the triangle to?? Thank you so much!!

crochetforyou said...


Thanks for sharing the pattern.

I have a lot of trouble with the neck. I don't understand how to start? Can you film it? Or send a email with the explanation to

Thank you!

Charmaine said...

@Bree: nope you don't!

i wonder if this would make it clearer? Also for @crochetforyou's query:


Imagine the rough triangle shape there (ignore the X for now), that's your starting triangle. You make a chain and join where the X's are. Then you have a closed loop, just work in the round as per instructions.

I will see about making a little drawing in case this is still confusing... !

Charmaine said...

forgot to add that the dashed line represents the chain. D'OH!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the patterns.

Unknown said...

My head turned out more like a ball that a raindrop...could you explain the decreasing of the head?

Beollain said...
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Kim and Mike said...

Hi! I'm having trouble understanding what the leg caps are and how they're supposed to be stitched on. Thanks!

Kim and Mike said...

Oh nevermind. I just figured it out! Lol!

Unknown said...

Hi, I love your unicorn! I'm currently trying to make one for a friend of mine, but I'm having trouble with the neck part. I don't really understand what I have to do after the 8 rows. What do you mean by "turn, ch 1, sc2tog, sc 16, sc2tog"? I mean, in the last row ( row 8th) I counted 32 sts, did I do something wrong? O.o It would help me if you could maybe send me a video with how you do it to my email address !!!
Thanks a lot, and again I love your unicorn!!! ^3^

Unknown said...

* I counted 34

Unknown said...

Hi I love your pattern and thank you so much for sharing it with us! I'm completely stuck on the neck. I've managed the triangle for the beginning, I then chain 27 and connect it with a sl st, so it's now one big loop connected by the triangle.

The whole ch 1, turn, 2tog, SC 16...that's what confuses me as you're continually chaining one and turning and doing this so you're only working back and fourth on one bit of this whole this right? I'm so very confused by this part and it's such a shame as I've already completed the body and limbs!! :(

Cheryl Gilmore said...

I loved this pattern! I'm about to put it all together now. I understand how some people got confused with some of it, but if you work on it step by step and trust the pattern, it works out fine. Thank you so much for the pattern! Perhaps you can update it to make it more clearer for those who had problems understanding it? just a suggestion. Anyways, thanks again!